Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Art of Flirting!

Statutory Warning: The contents given below should not be used in any situation which you may encounter in life as the application of the below mentioned tricks works only in certain scenarios!

Well this is not exactly a guide to the noble art but it is certainly something which can get you started!

So, flirting!...what do you mean by this word? People say this is a nice way to come closer to the opposite sex… Some say it is a nice medium to show off your skills…but I say this is the best way to make friends!..Although I have flirted a lot with girls but still I can write on this topic with a neutral angle! First the basic rule for mastering this art----à “Don’t expect too much”… I have seen people initiating a flirt process with a view to gain something from it….The only thing you should expect from it is “experience”. You learn what to say at what time and more importantly what NOT to say to someone!

I feel that girls are born flirts (this is a VERY big controversial statement!!..IT’S MY OPINION!!)…They always master this art without knowing that they have!!...It is like nature’s gift to them!...But sadly very few actually utilize their talents!...I think it is also something to do with the culture which we have over here….But let me tell you, I have had pretty good experiences with girls who flirt and this is my conclusion……Nothing beats a girl when she is flirting…she can get a guy to do whatever she wants, however she wants!! (ladies WAKE UP!!)

Another misconception which majority of the guys have is that flirting requires a personality…some achievement under your belt…atleast some kind of cool style!..However this is wrong….You don’t need to be macho to flirt with girls!...You just need a sense of timing and presence of mind to catch something which is nominal and turn it to your advantage!...Sounds difficult? Trust me it isn’t! Also, you should be able to say something which surprises your subject (girl with whom u flirt)…This way she doesn’t get time to react and this surprise will linger in her mind for a long time (girls think a lot u knw!! J) Another misconception is: SMILING AT SOMEONE IS NOT FLIRTING!!! Showing your teeth aint flirting…if this is true then you by default flirt a lot with your dentist!!

There is no place where you cant flirt…but the best place is a queue….It is a place where you can meet a lot of new people whom you wont meet ever again in your life but will leave a long lasting impression (if you pull it off - a good one otherwise a bad one) in the person’s mind!! Also, the best topic to start a “flirt session” is by talking about something the subject did and then pass on a cheap yet “bring smile to the face kinda” joke….If the subject responds positively (smile to the face), you are in but don’t jump on it otherwise you will have a mouth full of words which will come out as cow dung….Take it slow and keep it short!!..Also a golden rule: NEVER ASK THE SUBJECT’S NAME!! This by default labels the conversation as a flirting process and the subject loses interest and you end up been a loser….Be cool and sound confidence…Trust me..there is nothing to it!

Another thing which I notice in people when they flirt is their laugh…..They will laugh as if they just heard the best PJ ever!! People plzzz….While in flirt, giveth a smile not a roar!! Keep it atmost to a small pleasant laugh but don’t erupt like a volcano!!.Subjects do get scared!.. Also, plz people never swing your arms while you flirt becoz it shows that your trying to make yourself comfortable!... Also knowing a bit about the subject’s interest before hand wont harm your flirting process (This is a tip for the pros!).Ultimately, Flirting is a learning process….you learn about it as you gain experience…And as I mentioned earlier remember ”there is always a next time!”

So guys and Girls!!.."ENJOY!!!!!! :)))))))))))"

Vielen Dank!


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